Chorus :
And it's hey, hey
Come ye all who may
Down to the anti-frack camps
Every woman and man
Come all who can
For water make your stand
Come all you good people I'll sing you a song
All in the hope that you'll follow along
And come down to the site where
The frack bit grinds
And probing for shale gas
Penetrates deep into the ground
And why should we go to this industrious place?
In numbers so great, the drill-bit to face
Surely gas is required to power machines
But here's a little glimpse behind the scenes
And it's if only you knew the depths of deception
Created with words to dull your perception
And decoy the mind from what's really happening
And from what destruction this fracking will bring
So I went down to the Preston New Road
To the camp near where that frack tower drones
Where people have gathered to put an end
To this death-wish drilling that shall our world unmend
For it pierces the earth with a vicious stab
And churns very deep so Cuardrilla can grab
Some gas, which sounds good but really is bad
For it will poison all the water that we ever had
And why should it do this terrible thing
This job-lot fracturing, what ill could it bring?
"There's money to be made, lovely gas to burn"
Is there something else we need to learn?
Well here's some basic facts, if you'll give an ear
It's high volume hydraulics, 600 substances unclear
1% in mega-litres thrust-pumped through shale
That shatters and cracks where the sub-strata is frail
Yes, it's chemicals in water at pressures extreme
Forced into the shale rock where great tectonics lean
At their weak points where gas is easiest found
This process seems to cause tremors in the ground
With chemicals to eat rock and violent lubrication
It would seem bound to happen in this situation
That a case of England sliding off into the sea
Could perhaps happen very easily
What chemicals are used one might well ask
Regulations must tell so folks can grasp
What Cuardrilla are shoving deep into the crust
You would have thought to know was a must
'Includes Benzine, Ethylene, Xylene, N-Hexane
Hydrocloric acid and 2-2-4 Pentane'
Most aren’t disclosed, must be corporate logic
Because these are bio-cides; carcinogenic, neurotoxic
Billions of gallons of flowback need storing
This is something we can't be ignoring
But don't worry we'll wash it all clean
With Hexa-flouride D and Chlorine
Then there's the atomic power stations
When you start to consider their locations
Situated on coast-lines for the cooling process
Well frack ourselves to Fukashima West
When the drill-bit bites and junks up the earth
Fracturing also releases N.O.R.M.
Normally Occuring Radioactive Matter
This can hardly make things any better
Not natural radiation has been detected
In the pipe bends of the plant
A bit of Americanum, half-life Plutonium
Got born in a reactor near Kirkham
Not too much is known in Lancs.
For this we owe the County Council, thanks
Radiation monit'ring funds I fear
Have been cut back these latter years
Of course the water will be totally toxic and poisoned
If you don't agree then go look again
Look at old Woody Guthrie's Oklahoma
Look what the gas wells did to that land
Soil dies, plants die
Insects, animals and humans too
Poisoned water is mass extinction truly
And from this there is no life excluded
So get you down to Preston New Road
Or any fracking blockade camp near you
To be protectors of life's precious water
Is now the most important thing we can do
For they'll take the land that you thought that you owned
And put a gas well beneath your home
Nothing good can ever come from fracking
Where yet is green weald will be stricken to hell
Yet my song it ends with this turn, for when people come together
And one by one start to move through their fears
Non-violently direct; Protecting life's water
Then we shall see some natural human miracles
- all around this whole wide country here
Chorus :
And it's hey, hey
Come ye all who may
Down to the anti-frack camps
Every woman and man
Come ye all who can
For water make your stand